Our Inclusive Vision
Foreword Coffee’s refreshed company compact was conceived in 2024
after a series of workshops conducted internally and by external consultants.
We believe Purpose starts within the individual and it is important that every employee
gets to align personal purpose and motivations with the company purpose and goals.
Foreword seeks to mainstream disability and normalize inclusion. Ultimately, the company aims to create an ecosystem of impact-driven partners that work towards uplifting the lives of everyone. Our company’s strategies guide the way we conduct our business, and our values guide how we carry out our day-to-day interactions with each other.
Our Purpose goes beyond our vision and mission, as it paints the reason of Foreword’s existence. We feel our role in this world is to create meaningful opportunities that bring people together and uplift all.
As Foreword journeys on, we are committed to inclusive growth and seek to create
positive impact with people who wish to do the same.
Working Towards Social Inclusion
Foreword Coffee was established with the aim of increasing visibility of persons with disabilities to tackle the social stigma we face in society.
We believe that training and employment opportunities provided for persons with disabilities and mental health needs can provide a sustainable solution
Employment Placement Programme (Pilot)
Foreword Coffee conducts training with goal of increasing employability of persons with disabilities and their employment opportunities. We seek to provide placement support for organisations keen to hire inclusively and provide employment opportunities for the graduates of our training programme.
The support includes conducting onsite observation and support, employee training, and check-ins with the trainee. It is hoped that after the PnT phase, partner organisations be able to hire the trainee confidently and provide meaningful employment for them.